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Bankruptcy Law Reform Update – 8 July 2024

Reform of our Australian bankruptcy landscape has been the focus of policymakers for some time. The new changes lead by the Attorney-General’s Department, will see the implementation of reforms to the Bankruptcy Act 19 ...

Restructuring & Insolvency: 2023 Year in Review

Our Restructuring & Insolvency Team reflects on the year, the industry trends and significant matters of 2023. The Team also looks forward as to what the next 12 months may have in store. ‘In a year of challenges, ...

A Current Decision of the Assembly of Civil Chambers of the Court of Cassation Regarding the Right to Appeal Against the Decision Rendered on Concordat

Author: Abdullah Bozdaş Introduction In general terms, concordat is a method of releasing the remaining debt regulated within the framework of the law of enforcement.[1] The concordat procedure, which is formed by the ...

High Court Decisions of Bryant v Badenoch Integrated Logging Pty Ltd and Metal Manufactures Pty Limited v Morton

Authors: Angelina Kozary, Stephanie Dimovski The first High Court decisions in 2023; Metal Manufactures Pty Limited v Morton Metal Manufactures Pty Limited v Morton [2023] HCA 1 (‘Metal Manufactures’) and Bryan ...

The Decision of the Court of Cassation General Assembly on the Unification of Case Law Holding That Lawsuits Filed for Deferred Receivables Have to Be Dismissed Without Prejudice

Author: Gülnur Çakmak Introduction The Court of Cassation General Assembly of Civil Chambers and the Chambers of the Court of Cassation both issued opinions on whether a lawsuit filed for not due receivables should ...


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