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Member Articles

The Isle of Man’s Ship and Aircraft Registries

Ship Registry The purpose of a Ship Registry is to establish a ships nationality and ensure that every ship belongs to a particular state. When a client registers their ship they must provide proof of key information su ...

Complying with an Order for Disclosure without Tipping Off

In P Ltd & Otr v R Ltd (judgment dated 24 November 2020), the Isle of Man High Court of Justice was faced with a recent development to the Proceeds of Crime Act 2008 (the “Act”) which forced the Court to conduc ...

Trusts in 2 Minutes – Protecting Protectors

In the latest in our Trusts in 2 Minutes series, Donna Matthews looks at protecting protectors. What is a protector? Holds powers under a trust but is not a trustee. Independent of the trustees. Role: usually to ...

Subject Access Rights for Beneficiaries Under the Spotlight

The latest decision by the English Court of Appeal in the long-running case of Dawson-Damer v Taylor Wessing LLP [2020] EWCA Civ 352 has again highlighted the thorny issue of a beneficiary’s right of access, under data ...

Share Purchase Transactions with Barry Smith

Consultant Barry Smith provides an overview of the stages in a share purchase transaction in this short video. Watch the video. For more information please contact Barry Smith or ...

Wills & Estates: Points to Ponder – Part 3: Gifts to Children

When drafting a Will, it is very common to leave gifts to children or even to children who haven’t yet been thought of. What should you consider in making that gift? At what age do you wish the child to receive thei ...


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