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AAB Dashboard Technology – Simplifying Your Data to Speed Up Your Decision Making

As businesses start planning ahead for trading after lockdown, it is vital that tools are in place to allow for quick and smart decisions to be made. The key to making these educated decisions quickly is through data.

At AAB, our Systems and Software team can create custom dashboards that collate your selected data into easy to understand summaries, meaning information is immediately available 24/7.

Some examples of dashboards available are:

Vessel Position: The ability to track ships, rigs and other assets using their GPS co-ordinates. We can then integrate the GPS co-ordinates with tax jurisdiction information so that you can see whose waters you are in and therefore which tax rules apply. This allows for a better chance to mitigate global tax risks and costs.

Global Mobility: Providing visibility to the footprint of your global workforce, and therefore your tax consequences. This dashboard uses tax and social security global rules to instantly highlight your compliance requirements and costs associated with each employee and location.

US State Tax: Even if your US workforce never leave the US, state to state reporting is extremely complicated. This dashboard allows for you to see total time spent in each state and the earnings associated with those days, along with the state tax rate over and above the federal rate, simplifying your state tax return reporting.

Organisational Overview and HR Dashboards: Easy visibility to regularly needed data that otherwise can take hours to collate.

Finance Dashboards: For project cost allocation visibility, location, branch, currency etc. This type of dashboard works very well for businesses that have multiple UK branches.

You can take a look at some of our example dashboards here:

Depending on your business needs, the team are very well equipped to prepare custom dashboards to help your business run smoothly.

For more information please get in touch with Steven Fraser, Payroll & Employment Taxes Partner at

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