TAG Alliances in the Press

TAGLaw and The TAG Alliances Launch New Websites

Continuing a year that has seen the addition of many new members and an “Elite” ranking from Chambers Global, TAGLaw® recently unveiled its new website, www.TAGLaw.com. The yearlong project culminated in the launch of TAGLaw’s website, as well as websites for its sister alliances, TIAG® and TAG-SP™. Collectively, the groups are known as The TAG Alliances™.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors, both members and the public, utilize the TAGLaw website each year to identify and learn about high quality law firms from around the world.

“Relationships are the foundation of our organization. These websites are resources our members use to build and maintain the relationships which are crucial to servicing their clients and building their firms,” said Chris Cervellera, Senior Director of Marketing & Technology for the TAG Alliances. “Now it is easier than ever to connect with members and leverage the various resources provided by membership in TAGLaw and The TAG Alliances.”

New features of the websites include:

  • Easy-to-use “Find a Member” feature on the home page;
  • Revamped Member profiles with social media and content integration;
  • Redesigned Resource Center with improved access for members;
  • Integration of TAGLaw, TIAG, and TAG-SP websites; and
  • Enhanced visibility and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

We hope these websites make your interaction with TAG Alliances members more effective and efficient. 

Please contact us if you need instructions on how to update your firm's profiles. 

New Websites for TAGLaw, TIAG and TAG-SP from TAGLaw TIAG on Vimeo.

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