Competition and Antitrust

What Does the Law Allow Us as “Aggressive Competition“? How to Recognize and Tackle Unfair and Forbidden Practices?

Author: Hristo Koparanov

This article is summarizing and general for the series related to unfair competition. It presents the general principles and the idea of unfair competition, as well as the relation of the rules for fair competition in the Competition Protection Act (CPA) to other laws. The procedure for protection against unfair competition is also examined. The individual forms of unfair competition, with their specific features, are the subject of separate articles. Some of them have already been published and will be referenced. The others await publication. 

Principle questions

The main idea of competition law is to ensure protection and conditions for the expansion of competition and free enterprise in business activities. At the same time, however, it is recognized that some forms of competition are unfair and therefore the Bulgarian law also expressly prohibits any action or inaction in the course of business activity that is contrary to good commercial practice and harms or may harm the interests of competitors. It is not difficult to notice some contradiction. On the one hand, the idea is to encourage as much competition as possible, on the other, certain forms of competition are explicitly prohibited. 

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