Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Cybersecurity

Don't be Such a Critic: Negative Online Reviews Can Cost You

In today’s highly connected world, everyone’s a critic. Literally. From Angie’s List to Yelp, and Google to Amazon, the Internet provides an endless number of forums for sharing opinions and reviews. No matter what you want to review (from dog walkers to doughnut shops), there is a site—or three—where it is possible to share your opinion. For many people, these virtual forums provide the freedom to be candid, or even outrageous.

But before you post (or Yelp or Tweet), remember that there are real risks to being an online critic. While most online chatter is protected under the First Amendment, false allegations and unproven claims can get you in trouble. If you post a particularly negative review of a local business, for example, the business owner could come after you for defamation. While most auto, renter and homeowner’s policies include some level of personal injury protection, this protection usually does not extend to defamation and the like. That means that if you are found guilty of harming someone’s reputation, you could be on the hook for all damages.

Does this mean you should keep your opinions to yourself, or at least offline? Not at all. It just means you need to understand what might get you in trouble and how you can protect yourself.

Why online reviews matter

There is a reason business owners care about online reviews: People read them and believe them. In fact, as many as 82 percent of consumers read online reviews for local businesses before purchasing; the average consumer reading as many as 10 reviews before determining if they can trust a business.1 Most significantly, as many as 93 percent of consumers say online reviews have had an impact on their purchasing decisions.2

With so much at stake, it’s not surprising that businesses are willing to fight to protect their reputations; and increasingly, they’re doing so in the courts. In July 2019, a Florida resident was left with more than $25,000 in legal fees after being sued by a veterinary practice for defamation over a negative review of their practice on Yelp. The man’s review detailed how his dog died at the animal hospital while waiting for a surgeon who never showed up.

Play it safe

If you are going to post an online review, remember to stick to the facts, don’t overstate your views and always express your thoughts as opinions. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and exaggerate, “This hotel is infested and run by crooks!” All you need to say is, “We found roaches in the bathroom and we felt the management was not appropriately concerned.” Make sure you phrase all comments as your opinion and be prepared to back up any potentially damaging claims with evidence.

If you are a frequent online reviewer, you may also want to consider adding an umbrella policy to your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. An umbrella policy kicks in when you reach the limit on the liability coverage in your homeowners or renters’ policy; and most importantly, it also covers you for libel. Coverage limits often range from $1 million to $10 million and carry an additional monthly fee. If you have teenagers in your house, remember that you are also responsible for their online actions. An umbrella policy could protect you from libel claims brought against anyone living in your home.

Keep in mind, an umbrella policy does not give you the freedom to write outrageous reviews; and if you are found guilty of deliberate defamation, your insurer could refuse coverage.

To learn more about how an umbrella policy could help you Yelp, contact your HUB representative.

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