Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Cybersecurity

Cryptojacking Attacks: Stealing Your Money & Computing Power

Hackers are stealing more than your money and data these days. Now, they need your computing power to do their dirty work, too. The threat is called cryptojacking and could be crippling your network, whether you realize it’s happening or not.

Cryptocurrencies, or payment for hackers and cyber criminals, are earned through a process called cryptomining where criminals have to solve complex mathematical problems to validate their transactions. Criminals use software, requiring massive amounts of computing power to do so.

How does a cryptojacking attack happen?

Cyber criminals can access your computational power in a few ways:

  • Phishing email: The hacker will send a malicious link or attachment via email. When an unsuspecting employee clicks on it, a code injects a cryptomining script on the target computer. The script will run continuously, often undetected.
  • Drive-by mining: A cryptojacking script is injected on targeted websites or pop-up ads. When a victim visits that website or receives a pop-up from the infected ad, the script will run and infiltrate the network.
  • Rogue employees: Employees that have access to IT infrastructure can set up cryptojacking systems, including physical servers, in any work environment.
  • Inadequate firewalls: Hackers can channel cryptomining packages between corporate servers because firewalls won’t necessarily block traffic between them.

How can you prevent it?

There are a few best practices you can institute to help prevent cryptojacking, including:

  • Keep current with critical security updates and patch known vulnerabilities
  • Leverage web filtering tools that block websites known to spread cryptojacking scripts.
  • Engage a cryptojacking ad blocker to prevent infected ads from popping up.
  • Implement endpoint technology to detect known cryptominers as they penetrate the network.
  • Manage vulnerable apps and malicious extensions using mobile device programs for an extra layer of protection.
  • Educate employees to better recognize phishing emails.

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