Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Cybersecurity

OwnershIP - Intellectual Property Roundup from Blake Morgan

We are delighted to announce that OwnershIP, the intellectual property roundup from Blake Morgan, is back with a fresh new look for 2021.

A lot has changed since the last edition of OwnershIP. In this fourth edition, our intellectual property (IP) experts look at the new dawn for UK IP following Brexit, and focus on the importance of IP in the food and drink sector – from considerations when commercialising your IP through franchising, to how to protect your confidential information, what rights there are in wine, to some moreish disputes and even a fight about a caterpillar cake.

Unlike previous editions our fourth OwnershIP is an interactive digital experience. Please click here to access OwnershIP Issue 4.

I hope you will find the magazine informative and helpful. If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Blake Morgan Intellectual Property team.

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