International Trade and Customs

Group Companies under the Trade Registry Regulation

Contact: Att. Berna Aşık Zibel; Erdem & Erdem (Turkey)

Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (“TCC”) regulates the principles regarding group companies under Articles 195 to 209 for the first time in Turkish law. These provisions set forth the definition of the group, impose registration, notification, reporting and auditing obligations to group companies, determine the liabilities and sanctions regarding the abuse of dominance and establish rules on some special situations.

The Trade Registry Regulation (“TRR”), published in the Official Gazette dated 27 January 2013 and numbered 28541, entered into force within the scope of secondary legislation regarding the TCC with respect to the trade registry. The TRR also sets forth regulations on group companies.
This article analyzes the regulations brought with Articles 105 to 108 of the TRR regarding group companies and their situation in relation to the provisions of the TCC.

Read the entire article on Erdem & Erdem's website.

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